My favorite Roden recipe comes from the Book of Middle Eastern Food, and it couldn't be simpler to make. It's a classic Turkish egg dish called Cilbir. I found a beautiful photograph (and nearly identical recipe) of the dish at Almost Turkish - a food blog of Turkish cuisine.
Cilbir - Turkish Poached Eggs with Yogurt
(adapted from A Book of Middle Eastern Food)
6 eggs
1T. vinegar
1 1/4 - 2 c. yogurt
4T. butter
1T. paprika
Use fresh eggs. Poach them in the usual way. A good method for poaching eggs is to dip them, still in their shells, in boiling water for a few seconds so as to set a thin layer of the white nearest the shell. This will prevent the egg white from spreading too much. Break each egg into a cup and slide into another pan of boiling water to which a tablespoon of vinegar and some salt have been added. Remove the pan from the heat and leave it, covered, for 4 minutes. Then remove the eggs with a perforated spoon. Do not attempt to poach more than 2 eggs at a time.
Arrange the poached eggs on a hot serving dish.
Beat the yogurt with salt (I add a clove or two of minced garlic as well -RF) and pour some over each egg. Melt the butter and stir in the paprika. Dribble over the yogurt and serve.
Claudia Roden is my cooking goddess. I'm glad others find her as wonderful and essential as I do. I'm so glad I found your blog. It's wonderful.
I had heard of Claudia Roden but was totally riveted by her and her approach to food in that piece in the New Yorker, and I'm really looking forward to getting her book on Middle Eastern cooking.
I second that I am so happy to have found your blog!
Thank you Ann and Pink...
Roden's Invitation to Mediterranean cooking and her Good Food of Italy books are both worth a look through as well. A bit of crossover but great recipes nonetheless.
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