I was filing away some menus in the menu collection archive when I came across a folder filled with these beautiful, graphic broadside recipes. In addition to the recipes shown here, there are also recipes for Apple Pie, Pear Cheese Salad, Baked Cherry Pudding, and Coconut Zonk, among others.
The recipes were apparently part of a book project by the students at the Typography Workshop at the Cooper Union Art School in the Spring of 1966, and were printed by the students at the Ram Press in April of that same year. Only twenty-five copies of the book were made and we seem to have most of the individual, loose recipes. These recipes are either proofs or extra printed sheets from the book, but unfortunately, we don't have the published book in our collection. I also looked in WorldCat (a union catalog of libraries throughout the country), but I wasn't able to find any Library that has the published book. Now I'm not only on the lookout for this book, but for other interesting typographical cookbooks. I'll keep you posted with what I find in the Library's collection, and please share your own findings as well.

Avocado Supreme by Brenda Hardin
Wow, these are pretty slick. Would make great posters for the kitchen.
These are so cool, Rebecca. I especially love the pineapple upside down cake print; it's so clever.
These are so creative. The pineapple upside down cake one makes me hungry!
I'm so curious what the Coconut Zonk recipe looks like.
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